Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Halloween with a BOO.

I have to brag for a minute. We live in the greatest neighborhood! Everyone takes care of each other, and it is a nice mix of young and old, with plenty of kids for my children to play with. This morning we got up and there was a nice surprise by the door. WE GOT BOO’ed. This means some of our friends played ghost and got us a little bag with treats and left it by the door. It is a warm and fun-filled gesture that people do around Halloween. The best part of getting BOO’ed is that we don’t know who did it, so we just have to guess! 

How to BOO someone:
Check out the photos of what my door looked like. All you have to do is print out the instructions sheet and the picture of the ghost. Select two or more people you would like to “BOO” and make them a small bag with treats you know they will appreciate. The fun thing is you can make it simple and draw a cute picture, or even make bracelets to put in the bag. Or, you can just run to the store and get candy, healthy treats or Halloween-themed items. It’s all up to you! Place it in a bag with a copy of the instruction sheet inside and a copy of the ghost picture.

You then place the bag at the front door of the people you want to “BOO”. Make sure they don’t see you! You can even have the kids dress up in their costumes when you go and “BOO” so if your friends do see you, you are in disguise. When you are the one who got BOO’ed, place the picture of the ghost on your front door—this lets people know that you have already been BOO’ed, so others can have the opportunity to experience the same fun.

Please stay safe and have fun with it!

Print out the two images by right clicking on them and select "print target". Then start to BOO your friends!

Here is our treat:
This is what we got in the bag of treats from our friends or neighbor. I wonder who played a BOO on us? The boys and I keep guessing. . . 


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