Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cozy Christmas Decoration

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love an excuse to decorate, bake and have quality time with family and friends—which are all essential to having a fulfilling and happy life if you ask me. That sentiment sort of goes along with this quote that I like to refer to often, and one I try to live by:

Life is a challenge - meet it!
Life is a dream -realize it!
Life is a game -play it!
Life is love -enjoy it!

Christmas makes me happy, and so does being creative and spending time with my boys. This time of year in Seattle, it is crisp and cold outside—and also so beautiful. I love to dress the boys up in hats, gloves and a warm coat and take walks or go to the beach and let them run around. I love even more the cherry cheeks they get from being in the cold. We just went down to our local beach and gathered some driftwood for Christmas decorations. We will put it back after Christmas because you are not supposed to take it (did you know that?!), but that just means we get another trip to the beach, which is great!

When we look for wood for decorative purposes, it is important that it can stand stable on the ground and that there is a flat surface on at least one side. Once you take it home be sure to let it dry for a day. In the meantime, go to a craft store and get some model clay, (the air-drying, less expensive type), and gather any other non-permanent items you think might compliment the color and texture of the driftwood. Some examples are dried roses, branches, leaves, cones. If you use branches, cut the branches in uneven lengths, then place a bunch of clay on the log and press it down so it sticks. Then, you can place a candle on top and build the decoration up from there. 
This is a fun task for both you AND the kids. It’s festive, it’s creative, and it’s a great way to make an inexpensive, homemade decoration that you can enjoy for the entire holiday season. If you don’t have wood then you can use a plate or a nice platter and some parchment paper to protect it and you can make your decoration on that.

Here are some examples for inspiration. I love how they fill up the room and make it all warm and cozy. You really just want to sit and enjoy it with some Christmas cookies and cocoa. Ideally, snow would also be falling outside and my sons cuddling next to me on the couch! Try out these decorations and send me pictures of them—I would love to see!